House of Gray

Kasra slaver

House of Gray slave house is now located in the beautiful city of Kasra.

Are you a slave girl looking for quality roleplay? Old school Gor, with a dark and spicy twist? Are you tired of owners or slavers who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk? Are you thirsty for some intense erotic roleplay to be served on a regular basis? Are you hungry to be truly and utterly dominated?

Try us. You won’t regret it. Gorean roleplayers welcomed. There is also an opening for an assistant slaver.

Grand Opening Kasra Sword Tournament

Kasra sword tournamentKasra sword tournamentKasra sword tournamentKasra sword tournamentKasra sword tournamentKasra sword tournamentKasra sword tournamentKasra sword tournament

The winners are:

First: Ƙняσησѕ Ɍʏu (dark.kegel). Treve
Second: Cᴏʟᴇ Rʏɴᴜs (tashum.reverie), Olni
Third: ᴀɴᴛɪ sᴍɪʟᴏᴅᴏɴ ᴊɪᴇ (anti.foxclaw), Unknown Outlaws
Last man standing: ɪᴍᴘᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ ᴇᴢɪᴏ ᴀᴇᴛɪᴠs sᴍɪʟᴏᴅᴏɴ (ezio.sabretooth)


Merchants of Gor Tournament – Results

Kasra Merchants of gor tournamentKasra Merchants of gor tournament

Here are the winners:
First prize: Gigi (anna.kohl), owned by Spencer Tombola, slaver of the BlackWrath Pirates.
Second prize: ЄҲƠƬƖƇƛ ҚИIǤҤŦ (tifridh.fallen), owned by Red TallOak (redfruit), Port Kar
Third prize: Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza), merchant of Kasra.
Congratulations and thanks for coming!

Grand Opening of Kasra – Fayeen – Events


The city of Kasra cordially invites you to a “Merchants of Gor” tournament, to be held

SATURDAY October 5th 2019 at 2pm SLT (10pm GMT)

(Sign-up from 1.30pm SLT).

Any Free persons or slaves may enter and play, though we are a full immersion BTB sim. Please respect that while you are here. Entrants will be expected to be in gorean attire. ONLY GOREANS ARE ACCEPTED.

Location of event: Kasra – Fayeen at the juncture of the Upper and Lower Fayeen river, main plaza.

There will be prizes for the first three places:
1st place : 3,000L
2nd place : 2,000L
3rd place: 1,000L

We look forward to see you here!

Kasra - Fayeen


Kasra will be hosting a Sword Tournament Sunday – 10/06/2019.
Anyone is allowed to visit must be dressed gorean! ((BTB sim rules still apply))

Men can enter the tournament only!
Sign-ups will start at 1:30 PM SL time. Tournament will begin at 2:00 PM SL time.

Rules are Normal. ZCS METER/Swords ((EQ, LR, GTS, ETC)) Freebie sword vender will be supplied at the arena in-case you forget to bring one -cough- .

Matches will be best 2 out of 3. With Finals being best of 5.
Ties will be re-fought.

Prizes are ATM – current Pot 10000
((First)) – 40%
((Second)) – 25%
((Third)) – 20%
((Free for ALL)) 15%
Top three winners cannot compete from the Free for All!

Pot may increase prior to donations. Any questions feel free to send a vulo to secondlife:///app/agent/bdd0e71c-c6c5-4ff6-8906-442ddf56c4e8/about

Kasra – Fayeen

Most salt at Klima is white, but certain of the mines deliver red salt, red from ferrous oxide in its composition, which is called the Red Salt of Kasra, after its port of embarkation, at the juncture of the Upper and Lower Fayeen.

At its northwestern corner lay Tor, West of Tor, on the Lower Fayeen, a sluggish, meandering tributary, like the Upper Fayeen, to the Cartius, lay the river Port of Kasra, known for its export of salt.