
Kasra - Fayeen

City Housing

Homes are available to residents of the City of Kasra and those who have sworn to its Home Stone. Houses are a first come, first serve basis. Homes located within the main city are reserved for those who play in high caste roles. The caravanserai and the houses at the harbour are reserved for low caste players. Please inquire through Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza) for housing and information. We do charge small amounts for our housing rentals to keep the sim going and prevent people from taking houses and then disappearing. Once a rental expires, your items will be returned after 24 hours of non-payment.

Residential Sim Housing

Homes are available for rent to any Gorean roleplayer who wishes to have a home, but not join a group. Or perhaps you’re part of a group and want to have a more private area you can take your captives, visitors or other reasons. The north east corner of the sim of Fayeen is set up for gorean rentals. These are open to anyone who is Gorean. These are not intended to be OOC homes, so regulation of that is kept up. Homes start at 75L a week for 50 prims on this sim.